Geoffrey Turner is a practicing tax lawyer and professor in Toronto. Geoffrey has lived in Etobicoke over 26 years and has a strong leadership record in Etobicoke grassroots Conservative politics.

Geoffrey is running to be your next Conservative candidate in Etobicoke Centre.

Geoffrey was your Etobicoke Centre candidate in the 2021 federal election. With his private sector business expertise and demonstrated ability to communicate Conservative principles, Geoffrey is best placed to ensure we can win in the upcoming federal election.

Geoffrey Turner is running to represent you in Etobicoke Centre for the Conservative Party of Canada

Etobicoke Centre deserves new leadership in Ottawa. For eight years under the Trudeau Liberals we have endured soaring taxes, excessive government spending, and life becoming less affordable.

Join me to bring a stronger voice from Etobicoke Centre to represent you in Parliament. I have the skills and experience to help Pierre Poilievre restore responsible fiscal stewardship to our nation as a key member of our new Conservative government.

How to Support Geoffrey Turner

Ensure you have a fixed address in Etobicoke Centre and an active Conservative Party of Canada membership.

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Volunteer, help spread the word and help Geoffrey sign up members to the Conservative Party.

Join the team here

Vote for Geoffrey Turner at the Etobicoke Centre nomination meeting when Conservative Party headquarters determines the date.

Nomination Meeting Date: TBD

Why Nominate Geoffrey?

  1. Geoffrey Knows the Riding - Geoffrey has been a longtime resident and active community member in Etobicoke. Geoffrey was the 2021 Conservative candidate for Etobicoke Centre and has a strong understanding of the challenges our riding faces.

  2. Geoffrey Brings Experience - Geoffrey is a seasoned tax lawyer and respected tax law professor with over 33 years of professional experience in Toronto. He is a lifelong Conservative who has demonstrated leadership in Conservative grassroots politics, both locally in Etobicoke as riding president, policy chair and board member, and nationally at our recent Conservative policy conventions.

  3. Geoffrey is the Best Candidate to Win in Etobicoke Centre - The last time a Conservative Party candidate won in this riding was by 26 votes. This will be a close race. In 2021 Geoffrey placed a strong second with over 20,000 votes, narrowing the gap to the Liberal incumbent. Geoffrey brings deep private sector experience and financial expertise, and his knowledge of Etobicoke Centre as the former candidate in this riding. He will work to earn every vote once nominated. Geoffrey has proven he can win the votes to turn Etobicoke Centre Conservative Blue!